Sunday, November 12, 2017

Who is the I Am?

One day as I waited upon the Lord, He brought His mighty presence and began to speak volumes:

"I will give you an accurate description of Me:

I am like the wind and can blow in at any time (A sudden wind blew)...  

I have the properties of water and fill all things with Myself.

I am like the rain, in that I can fall anytime and anywhere I want and I make things grow. 

As a wind, I can blow things away and I make you move. 

I am like a bird, in that I have wings and can fly over and about and can cover you with My wings.

I am like fire, in that I can burn anything out and can purify what’s left behind.

I am like a rare and precious gem, in that I am valuable and have many faces, many sides.

I am covered and must be sought for diligently to unearth Me and discover My beauty and richness. It is not known how beautiful I am until I am chipped away at, revealing My exquisite qualities.

Some people don’t know what they have until they begin to open it up and reveal what’s inside and spend time to discover the true beauty of the King. 

I am revealing everything to those who come and seek and search for Me like a buried treasure.

I am like a volcano, and can explode at any moment with hot wrath and destroy all things in My path. 

It takes pressure and time to build Me up to that, though, because I am long suffering and patient towards all mankind and every living thing. 

I am the One that sends the cool rains to calm it all down, but you will never forget that I was there because I burn it into the landscape of time of My arrival so no one will forget the lesson to be learned, to avoid future generations that cost to their lives.

It is a kindness that seems fierce, but is necessary, just like when you spank your children, you’re saving them from future danger. I love My creations and wish to avoid them eternal punishment.

I am like a cloud, tender and soft, covering you from the heat of the day. I just hover, to watch over you, and like a cloud, you don’t even know I am there, but you benefit from My protection.

I will never leave you. I am going to give you time to find Me. I want you to know Me so you know Who you are carrying when you go out into all the world." 

"Feed My Sheep!"

"I want you to know every detail about Me." 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Choose Ye This Day!

This life is a journey. 

It is a journey for one and it is a journey for all.

It could best be described as a journey to find and know our Creator and walk with Him intimately.

The closer we get to this end, the more content and peaceful we will be! 

It is when we move away from that end and closer to ourselves: 

seeking self...

fulfilling self...

exalting self... 

focusing on self... 

that we will be the farthest away from Him, and therefore truly and utterly amiss! 

All who come to Him must know that He is and that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him! (Hebrews 11:6) 

Seek Him today until you find Him!

Friday, November 10, 2017


As I often do, one day I was sitting by the lake near my house spending time with the Lord when a wasp suddenly came flying at me out of nowhere and bumped into my arm. I freaked out! 

This is where experience comes into play. Memories from the distant past of a time when I had been stung on my hand by a group of wasps that were hanging around my back door as I tried to shoo them away came flooding into my mind, along with adrenaline and a rush of fear! I shuddered at the reminder of the vicious attack to my hand, the pain that persisted for what seemed eternity, and the swelling that ensued which brought an intense and burning itch! I HATED WASPS!! 

Suddenly, God interrupted my thoughts: "Don't hate the wasp. I made it like you! 

I gave it a strong defense system. It just uses it to protect itself. It's a powerful insect! You hate it because you fear it, and because you fear it, you attack it. You attack what you fear. If it was any other bug you would leave it alone because it doesn't bother you; but if something you fear gets too close to you, you'll attack it to kill it or drive it away. It's the same reason the devil attacks you. Whenever you begin to rise up and take his ground, he will attack you to discourage you or wound you to make you back down or give up. He knows he can't kill you. 

  Learn from the wasp! Be like the wasp...

in that when it's attacked, it strikes and delivers a powerful sting/blow to it's attacker and wounds it, teaching the attacker to back away and steer clear of the wasp! 

 Take the offense as your defense!

Don't let the enemy shoo you away. You are the one with the upper hand; more right; more authority. Come back with force. Wound him and teach him a lesson. I've created you to dominate; to rule! 

I want you to remember that you're powerful! You're a threat to the enemy and he's going to try to take you down. He sees you rising up: he sees you strengthening! 


Get and stay in My Word! He will never be able to conquer you and take you there!! I will write it on your heart. It will indelibly be printed on your mind. It will burn in your heart and you will breathe it out like fire! 

You must get in it for these promises to be true! Prepare by staying in My Word!"